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Steamed Red Snapper

Steamed Red Snapper…………One of the best fish here in NZ. This is a recipe of our friend(tess), She made it really good and very tasty. It is an Asian inspired recipe just made of simple ingredients. This fish is her husband “catch of the day” when we had a gathering party in their house. It is over a kilo snapper. I remember my frustration when we had a boat fishing with friends. For almost 7 hours in boat,I did catch a snapper, but the skipper did not accept the legal size limit so he had to throw back into the seas.(huhuhuhuhu) better luck next time!!!………………………..Did you know that I need to use leeks in-order to make this very tasty and very asian? Did you know that leeks is a good source of dietary fiber, leeks energizes the human body to perform many types of biological functions like digestion and metabolism. A particular combination of nutrients in leeks is very helpful in steadying elevated blood sugar level. These include vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, iron and manganese. These nutrients do not slow the absorption of sugars from the intestinal tract. They lower the sugar levels merely by ensuring that the sugars are properly metabolized in the body…….

Ingredients: serves 3-4 persons

  • 1 pc big red snapper approx 1 kilo each
  • 1/2 cup of sliced leeks
  • 3 tbsp of knorr seasoning or seasoning soy sauce
  • salt & pepper
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 thumb size thinly sliced ginger
  • 3 tbsp canola oil
  • In a plate, rub and season fish with sesame oil, 1 tbsp of soy seasoning, salt & pepper then place ginger slices all over its body and inside stomach, inside head. place some half of leeks the other half for garnishing then cover with aluminum foil
  • Pre-heat oven at 170 degrees celsius and in a wired rack baking tin, place water enough to reach the wire rack, then place the fish and steamed bake for 25 minutes.
  • Transfer the cooked fish in a serving plate then garnish with leeks on top. In a pan, heat oil and pour over on top of the fish allowing the leeks to cooked for a while, then pour the remaining seasoning on top.
  • serve hot!

Baked Fish – Snapper

baked fish….One of the healthiest way to cook fish.But not all fish can be cooked using the bake method. I remember, we had a small family gathering when I cooked a fish that is not good for baking.  I cooked and bring the fish to that party not knowing that my baked fish is so hard to eat and chew it like a rubber. The fish skin became like a rubber texture as well as the meat fish. I really don’t know what happened until I search the fish that it was not meant for baking. Its good for frying and grilling. Well, mistakes sometimes really happened…….Now back to the steam snapper, It’s an Asian style baked fish. mix with the flavour of ginger, leeks, sesame oil and some seasoning. It’s one of the best dish to paired with stir-frybeef vegetables or pinakbet(vegetable medley)……….Did you know that red snapper is an excellent food source of lean protein, potassium and phosphorus. Protein is a macronutrient which are body needed daily.  Potassium regulates heartbeat and blood pressure, while phosphorus aids in energy metabolism and is important for forming bones and teeth. Selenium is essential for a healthy immune system and supporting proper thyroid function.

Ingredients: serves 3-4 persons

  • 2 pcs big red snapper approx 1 kilo each
  • 1/2 cup of sliced leeks
  • 3 tbsp of knorr seasoning or seasoning soy sauce
  • salt & pepper
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 thumb size thinly sliced ginger
  • 3 tbsp canola oil
  • In a plate, rub and season fish with sesame oil, 1 tbsp of soy seasoning, salt & pepper then place ginger slices all over its body and inside stomach, inside head. place some half of leeks the other half for garnishing then cover with aluminum foil
  • Pre-heat oven at 170 degrees celsius and baked the fish for 25 minutes.
  • Transfer the cooked fish in a serving plate then garnish with leeks on top. In a pan, heat oil and pour over on top of the fish allowing the leeks to cooked for a while, then pour the remaining seasoning on top.
  • serve hot!