Pork Sisig

Pork sisig…I heard a story of this dish some where in pampanga(a province in the Philippines), A Chef (on a small cafeteria) lightly burned a pork chops and she realized that was the last meat she have. Instead of giving a refund, She  takeoff some burned parts of the meat, she chopped the remaining meat and put some onions, chillies and seasoned with soy sauce & salt & pepper..and the customers liked it…Did you know that pork in moderate quantities is helpful in gaining energy. It is good for skin, eyes, nervous system, bones and mental performance. Intake of Pork also ensures better immunity to body due to presence of essential antioxidants…

Ingredients: serve 4-6 persons

  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 500 gms pork belly (grilled & chopped)
  • 250 gms pork liver (grilled & chopped)
  • 100 gms cooked chicken liver adobo (search adobo recipe on my blog)
  • 2 medium onions chopped
  • 30 gms minced ginger
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 4-5 pcs chopped chillies
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 egg per sizzling plate or per serving


  • In a pan, heat oil & saute onions, ginger then add in chopped & grilled pork, pork liver & adobong chicken liver. seasoned with soy sauce, salt & pepper. chillies are optional. and serve hot in aplate 
  • your serving options – Heat a sizzling plate the add pork sisig, crack an egg and add mayonnaise
  • Serve with lemon.
  • Enjoy!!

I also made this as a gift for my friends(mon & sol)…..

About noris

a simple person who loves to cook!! .....so ride with me as we explore ........"a journey to different cuisines" . Bringing the restaurant flavour to your home...

Posted on August 4, 2011, in Appetizers, Pork and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Wow ang sweet naman special mention kami. Sarap to!

  2. Oh my God. ginugutom na talaga ako . super inggit na ako …..

  3. Sisig Lover Not a Fighter

    I don’t know where you got your information from but please consider this article from wikipedia. So far it seems accurate as far as the origin and the etymology of the word. My mother used to make this in my younger years. What my mother makes (in her own variation) is certainly sour and is served cold and bears more in resemblance to tokwa’t baboy, but is prepared with boiled and chopped pig ears and raw onions and vinegar. You are certainly entitled to your own version of it but this is not how it is made. The main ingredients are pork snout, pork ears, and chicken liver. That’s it, pure and simple and very good. No pork bellies either. The snout and ears are boiled and then grilled (the chicken liver is also grilled). It is then chopped, then sauteed in oil or butter with onions, garlic, lime juice, hot peppers and salt and pepper to taste. Raw egg toppings and mayonnaise is sacrilegious to the locals. To be honest with you I’m puzzled myself with how that egg thing and mayonnaise got started. And it’s just overkill because the simple ingredients combined give enough complexity of flavors. I hope this helps. Luid Ka! (Mabuhay ka!)


  1. Pingback:   Adobong atay ng baboy (pork liver adobo) | What is Adobo?

  2. Pingback: Crispy Sisig « Foodtrip……by: nors vargas

  3. Pingback: Spicy Pork Tero Tero (isaw) « Foodtrip……by: nors vargas

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